Let’s Talk About Sex!

You guys… We recently had the juiciest conversation with Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, a resident sexual health expert from Maze Women and Men’s Health! Yes, you all read that right! We talked all about SEX and the important issues surrounding relationships, especially now when people are spending a crazy amount of time at home. It wasn’t only ~steamy~, it was EYE-OPENING! We could’ve gone on FOREVER asking the burning questions and chilling with the good doctor. We absolutely CAN’T WAIT for our next chat!

But we won’t just let you read about it. Watch our interview here

OH & here’s a little teaser, you can actually get a free 10-minute consultation by calling Maze Health! Check out MazeWomen’s Health and Maze Men’s Health or for follow Dr. Bat Sheva on Instagram for more info!!


Lulu y Lala